PSOFT : Steps to Apply application update(Patch/Bundle/MP) using Change Assistant with ScreenShots.

1. Stop PSEMAgents(if running) on Unix and NT servers.
Similarly Stop Agents on NT

2.  Clear Cache
To Clean up the PSEMHUB data you also need to ensure that you delete data from all the Agents and the Peers, you cannot just delete data from the PSEMHUB server.
You need to perform this cleanup on all Agents, Change Assistant (CA), Viewer and HUB, that  will reinitialize everything for you. 
Make sure you stop the Agents, CA, Viewer, HUB before you delete these files or directories. After that you can restart them.    
I) For Agents, Viewer and Change Assistant:
Delete the files in the following directories,  under PS_HOME\PSEMAgent for Agents, under PS_HOME\PSEMViewer for the Viewer and under the Change Assistant directory for Change Assistant.
envmetadata/transactions/ (if it exists)
envmetadata/data/search-results.xml (just for Agents and CA)
Delete the files in the following directories under PS_HOME\webserv\peoplesoft\applications\peoplesoft\PSEMHUB
if your domain name is not 'peoplesoft' then change the above directory accordingly.
PSEMHUB\envmetadata\transactions\ (if it exists)
PSEMHUB\envmetadata\data\*.* (files and directories.don't delete the data directory itself)
III) Repeat the same procedure to delete cache files in NT servers for CA and PSEMHUB
3. Configure CA & Start Agents on Unix & NT.

Before starting with Change Assistant edit the Configuration. Properties file at below locations accordingly.
(Note : Enter  App server & web server port
Keep default agent port same : 5283
Enter drive letter for windowsdrivestocrawl & path for unixdrivestocrawl where you have PS_HOME installed. Keep rest of the values intact)
@ PSEMAgents =>$PS_HOME\PSEMAgent\envmetadata\config
@ PSEMViewer =>$PS_HOME\PSEMViewer\envmetadata\config
@Change Assistant =>
C:\Program Files\PeopleSoft\Change Assistant\envmetadata\config

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Thank you friend for sharing this query to Apply application update. Its really necessary to do this task on timely basis to improve the efficiency. I will also note down the point that you have mentioned above. 

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