
I have a new requirement to integrate Tibco with peoplesoft 9.1 using JMS Adaptor, I am a peoplesoft developer but new to Tibco or Jms Adaptor, Can any one who has done this before give me the steps or send me any documentation regrading this. 

Thanks in Advance.

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We did not use the peoplesoft specific tibco adapter but do have a number of integrations using the http posy node as well as a web service between tibco and peoplesoft via the wsdl node. What type of integration were you wanting to use?


I am trying to set up web service between tibco and peoplesoft and want to use th JMS connector can you please give me some insite on how to do this? 

Things I have done till now. 

1) Pasted the jms.jar file in web-if/lib 
2) Changed the gateway integration file, below are the parameters I have given 

## JMS configuration Section 

#The JNDIFactory Classnames for Weblogic, IPlanet, MQSeries. 
ig.jms.JMSProvider.JNDIFactory.Weblogic=weblogic.j ndi.WLInitialContextFactory 
ig.jms.JMSProvider.JNDIFactory.MQSeries=com.sun.jn di.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory 
ig.jms.JMSProvider.JNDIFactory.Tibco=com.tibco.JMS Factory 

# Enter the number of Queue listners to instantiate 

# For each queue specify the following properties 
# Name 
# Provider 
# JMSFactory name (which is binded to the JNDI) 
# MessageSelector (optional Message Filter) 
# JNDI System File URL 
# JMS User 
# JMS Password 
# Example : 

# Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below 
ig.jms.Queue1.Password={V1.1}YmJXHC7zONLUT/6RgpIqS A== 
# ig.jms.Queue1.SecurityPrincipal=sam 
# Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below 
# ig.jms.Queue1.SecurityCredentials=EncryptedPasswor d 

3)Created a JMSTarget node and provided the 
password:encrypted password 

When I try to ping the node I am getting the below error 

'Integration Gateway: Invalid Queue/Topic Name. (158,10522)" 


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